
Creative ideas

World in a walnut: Pagoda and Cherryblossom

Miniature is fun, but so is micro scale! I saw images on the internet of various projects made in walnut shells. Immediately I was itching to try it myself. So we ate walnuts for a week, after cracking them very carefully (which is not easy, as we found out quickly 😅). Then I scraped the shells as clean as possible and removed all loose skins. Then it was time for the fun part! I chose a landscape with a view of green hills on the left, with a Japanese pagoda in the distance. On the right I made a forest edge with a cherry blossom tree in the grass. Finally I had to come up with something to put the shells back together. On https://www.hobby-en-modelbouw.nl/ I found very small hinges for doll houses etc. that fit perfectly on the edge of the walnut shell. I glued the hinge on with superglue, but to finish it off I made some tiny screw heads from Fimo Metallic Gold and glued them on the screw holes. Lastly, my partner printed a base, on which the walnut can be displayed both open and closed. Well, it turns out that walnuts are quite slippery, so it was pretty complicated to design something on which different walnuts with all their whimsical shapes can be displayed well, but we succeeded!

The collection has now been expanded, so if you want to see more, take a look here: World in a walnut: Crystal Cave and World in a walnut: Camping.

The Scene is made of Fimo clay in a walnut shell and a brass hinge. The (closed) walnut is 4.4 x 3.3 x 3.2 cm (HxWxD). The base is printed with PLA filament and measures 1.7 x 5.5 x 3 cm (H x W x D).

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  1. Annette Stok August 27, 2022

    Mooi gemaakt, wat een geduld!
    Heel netjes afgewerkt t/m aan het voetje toe.
    Knap gedaan!

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