
Creative ideas


I bought this kit because of the beautiful colours, a contrast to the kits of the black cats 😄 It was a bit of a puzzle because the English translation of the Cyrillic text in the manual is not entirely correct. For example, “a half cross stitch with 1 thread” should be: “a cross stitch with 1 thread.” Thank goodness for translation apps… Embroidering with metallic thread was also a bit of a challenge. It breaks easily and is difficult to keep in place. So embroider with short pieces of thread and use the background fill to secure the threads.  

To make the colours pop even more, I filled the background with white yarn with a light gray border around it. I made a little mistake, a small piece of white yarn has a different colour number. The difference can only be seen in direct daylight. Another lesson for me: always match colours in strong daylight 🧐

The embroidery kit is 'Macaw' (M00745) from RTO, which I bought via https://spinnerij.nl/. To fill in the background and border I used leftover DMC thread (Blanc and light gray number 415). I used a simple black wooden photo frame measuring 23 cm x 15 cm (H x W).

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