
Creative ideas


On the internet I came across some beautiful octopuses on bottles made of polymer clay. I immediately wanted to make one myself. I used metallic blue Fimo for the top of the octopus and textured everything with a needle tool, giving it a little sparkle. The bottom is made of a mix between blue and translucent blue Fimo. Especially placing all the little suckers was a time-consuming job 😅 Unfortunately, the color difference between the bottom and top turned out less noticeable than I had hoped. But in the end the result is still very nice 😊 The copper key with blue stone completes the scene.

The bottle is made of glass. The octopus and the key are made of Fimo (polymer clay). The stone in the key is blue quartz and the chain a silver colored metal. The whole scene is 18 cm high and has a diameter of 7.6 cm.

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