
Creative ideas

Work in progress

My bigger projects consist of all kinds of separate elements. It can sometimes take a long time before all parts are put together in a project. Or until I figure out how to make a certain element before I can move on to the rest of the project. Especially when I also want to incorporate technology, such as light or movement, into the project. Sometimes I get feedback that the website does not show how much work the projects are, or which steps there are in a project. Therefore, by popular request, an overview of parts of current projects, of which I have no idea yet how many elements I will make or when the project will be finished.

I try many different polymer clay techniques. This is often a combination of images, instructional videos and books, which I then add my own twist to. I never paint my projects, I like the challenge to create all colors and patterns entirely from polymer clay. To make patterns I use mixing techniques or I build 'canes'. Sometimes I use a texture mat, but almost never molds. Each tree leaf, flower or feather is therefore individually handmade. That is very time-consuming, but because all shapes are unique, the result is more natural than when an exact shape is repeated over and over. I admit you have to be a blittle bit crazy to work that way 😁.

Do you want to know more about a certain project, or how I make something? Contact me at info@spiffystuff.nl

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  1. Annette Stok May 29, 2023

    Fantastisch Lonneke, er zijn weer mooie projecten bijgekomen.
    Leuk om Work in Progress te lezen en te zien, wat een verscheidenheid,👍

    • Spiffystuff May 29, 2023 — Post author

      Bedankt Annette, fijn om te horen dat een overzichtje van lopende projecten inderdaad wat toevoegt voor je 😊

  2. Ilse June 19, 2023

    Wat leuk om te zien waar je mee bezig bent. Ik krijg spontaan honger. En wat zijn de dieren goed gelukt!! Echt hÊÊl erg mooi om naar te kijken. Super knap als je bedenkt hoeveel details je in elk klein diertje tot leven brengt.

    • Spiffystuff June 20, 2023 — Post author

      Wat een mooie complimenten, dank je! Mijn handen jeuken om weer aan de slag te gaan, maar het is nu helaas te warm. Voor dit soort detailwerk is de Fimo dan te zacht. (Ja ja, is het eindelijk zomers in Nederland, is het weer niet goed, ik weet het 😜)

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