
Creative ideas



I've actually only used the sewing machine to shorten the legs of my pants but I always enjoyed working with fabrics. That's why I bought a bag of scrap pieces of leather a few years ago at a leather goods store. I started crafting bags from those pieces, without a pattern, without a plan, just to see if it works. Even though I've never used handbags myself 😄 My first project has been in use for several years now.

About a year later I also bought an embroidery kit and I was immediately sold on it. In addition to 'normal' embroidery kits, I also embroidered a number of miniatures. Those miniatures can be found on Janet Granger's website (https://www.janetgranger.co.uk/). They are of course very small kits, but it takes just as much time as the regular embroidery kits 😉 And if you like to fiddle, like me, it's a lot of fun!



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