
Creative ideas



“How did you make that?” That's a question I get regularly. To which I usually answer that it's not that complicated. But when I discuss the steps, it becomes clear that it is difficult to explain without pictures or footage.

Sometimes I can refer to videos that I have used for inspiration. But I never follow those instructions completely, I always make adjustments that work better for my own style or project. So then I try to explain it again: “That video explains how you can do it, but I did it differently, namely…”

So that doesn't work either. That's why, at the request of some fellow creatives, I decided to try making instructional videos myself.

Hopefully it will be of some use to you. In any case, it gives an insight into my approach. And of course you can then put your own spin on it.

Do you have any questions after watching a tutorial? Or is there a topic or technique you would like to see in a tutorial? Please contact me via info@spiffystuff.nl.




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