
Creative ideas

About Spiffystuff

For years I like to be creative and I keep coming up with something new. Often I have an idea in mind and I search the internet for examples. Of course I can never find exactly what I have in mind, that's what makes it fun! But I learn a lot from it and I try all kinds of techniques. I think it would be nice to share some creations with you, so that you might also get inspired to start your own project.

I make the projects for my own pleasure, it is my hobby, not my job. Although I could easily work on it 40 hours a week 🙂 Sometimes I get a request to make something and then I see if I succeed, but that is more the exception than the rule. Who knows, maybe this website will lead to a workshop one day 😉

For some projects I refer to a website where I have bought parts from. I don't get paid for mentioning the websites. The point is that people who would like to make a similar project or want to use similar parts, can see where they could buy it.

Do you want to know more about a certain project, or how I make something? Contact me at info@spiffystuff.nl

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Theme by Anders Norén